Friday, November 02, 2007

Comments of 'Holding pattern' clips

This has been a very interesting exercise, this task was the commetns we had to make on (firstly) what the character did to illuminate his/her character? and what the 'film maker' did to illuminate his/her character?

Team - Lez, Sherry (sorry didnt catch the rest)

- Looks around a lot, always looks uncomfortable
-always wearing a suit, looks out of place.
-does not speak making him seem more out of place
-always looking in dictionary and various books for words

- lots of cuts
- excellent use of camera angles
-Fantastic use of lighting in every scene

Team - Cat, Alex (sorry didnt catch the rest)

-looks slighly out of place
-Constantly sitting and observing

-lots of far away shot making the character seem distant
(Most shots I found to be a little bit too long)

Team - Glyn, Holly and Dave

-wears good realistic clothing
-acts appropriately in all situation
- is a bit sneaky

-Music rises and dips at appropriate times
(I found the sounds to be overpowering at most point)

Team - Adrian, Emily , Zaid and Richard
(My favourite one)

-Acts very out of place
-Really like the comedy
-Acting was very good
-Actor made the clothes work well and to his advantage

-Good props
-Highlighted immigration (used newspaper to highlight this) 0- which gave a clear explanation of what was going on.
-Again, really like the comedy
-Football scene was really well done
-Like the little sub plot with the Family tree on the internet
-Music was very fitting
-Very good use of camera angles

And there we have it. I would just like to congradulate Adrian, Emily, Zaid and Richard again for a very well done piece of work. I think it matched the professionality of of Lez's group (who has the benifit of Lez's years of experience) and I really enjoyed how you made the character out of place while using comedy.

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