Monday, February 25, 2008

Character designs:

Well... I wish I could say that I am as satisfied with my characters as I am with my 'sets' so far, I have got a few good process pictures which I will provide below and maybe comment on a few.

This is my characters model process, basically it all started with a hand drawn image that was scanned in and projected onto three panels (boxes) - I started out with a cylinder and the rest is... well... history.

Heres a little test with symmetry on

...and the almost complete version which I'm no impressed with at all and may even consider creating a whole new one over the holidays

Here is a close up of the face, I have decided to use individual teeth instead of extruding them out of the skull as I think this will give me more control and realism. I have also added a raytrace reflection to the eyes to give more realism (I also need a reflection of fire in his eyes for one of my scenes)

The model now needs 'skinning; however I have wasted the better part of a week trying to find a better was of UV unwrapping instead of the traditional way - You can read all about this above this post.

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