Firstly I shall give details of what I rendered and if it satisfied the brief.
My Non-final clip ran to approximately 2:30 minutes
The first render was a Pal, .Mov file - the reason this was done is because it streams extremely well over the internet with great quality and sound (which turned out to be 260MB) and may be used in the future.
the second was specifically for the brief - A 720x576 DVAVI 25FPS file, the sound quality was 16000hz (standard) the file size was 440MB and the picture quality was not as good as the .Mov file , however it was observed that the sound was 'slightly' better. I have no idea how a 5 minute animation is going to fit onto a 750 MB CD as the brief states.
- Production information can be found in past Journal posts - not much has changed just further animation of character and realization of how many bugs where present - which will be explained below.
- There was some problems with textures - for instance if you look at Thomas turners hair you will notice it moves out of place when he moves. I tried to correct this with using local Coordinates and World coordinates in 3D max but to no avail. Any feedback on how to fix this problem will be appreciated.
- Textures on areas where chunks where cut out for doors and windows had very noticeable texture variatons - this was fixed by erecting new walls and 'covering the old ones with them.
You will have to click on the picture to enlarge it, only then will you see the distortion clearly.

- trying to make a cockroach with a SplineIkSolver spine ended in disaster as it refused to be resized even with bone tools active. eventually had to settle for a normal IKHI Solver spine which worked fine but did not work as naturally.
- Timing without a dope sheet was a bit difficult but acceptable - seeing as though I was not working in a team.
- I have found that it is very difficult to work on an animation (even if only 5 minutes) is very difficult and is much more suited to a team, it can be difficult to push oneself but if you have other people working with you there is no choice but to get it done in time so the next person can get their part done (in an ideal world that is)
My own review of my work:
I believe my animation could have been better with music possibly but I did not have time to make any. it could have been better if my timing was more honed, the story is great (full of action, short but you get to know the main character well and even the cockroach even though you only see him/her for a few seconds) - the scenery is good but could be improved. The characters are ok but have obvious faults. ie - Thomas turners ankles look broken (because of improper bone placement) and his hair moves with the scenery and not with his actual head. The cockroach looks pretty good but could do with more development.
The lighting was very well done for my first attempt and looks very good in all the scenes (So I think but you are welcome to challenge me on that when I post the clip soon)