Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sounds to acquire:

1. Pop -done

2. Voice of narrator

3. ‘hello’ mumble -Done

4. Thunder -done

5. Background talk mumble-Done

6. Background agree mumble-Done

7. Dishes being washed tinkle = maybe water running -done

8. Sigh mumble -Done

9. Fire or explosion sound -done

10. Smile mumble ‘heeee’-Done

11. Dunno mumble-Done

12. Kettle switch on = maybe water - Done

13. Cup tinkle -done

14. Grrrr mumble-Done

15. ‘Eeek’ roach-Done

16. Hand thud -Done

17. Slip -Done

18. Woah mumble-Done

19. Boing -Done

20. Breaking, thumping , shattering -Done

21. Boom- glass explode(shatter)

22. Give up mumble-Done

23. Book soft tap -Done

24. Book thud -Done

25. Squash -Done

26. Eeeaw roach-Done

27. Vent crashing open –Done sort of

28. Lots of stuff falling out – grain? -Done

29. Nooo mumbled-Done

Props to acquire:

1. Vent -Done

2. Cabbages -* No got weeds, spade and vegetables instead

3. Hosepipe -done

4. Plate with buiscuits -done

5. Cup -done

6. Window -Done

7. Kettle –done sort of

8. Crumb -Done

9. Better roach

10. Picture- **

11. wood chunk - Done

12. catapult stuff - Done

13. random junk – Done almost

14. *look for burn overlays

15. Glass -Done

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