Monday, November 10, 2008

Inspiration is dwindling

Its pretty much what the title says, my enthusuasm for this course has just slumped another notch due to the fact that another lecturer didnt turn up to a lesson today which I'm pretty sure it was on because:

1: it was clearly stated in the timetable that it would be on.
2:No email was sent saying it was canceled
3: A hell of a lot of people turned up to be dissapointed yet again

Not even an appology-email for all us good peeps who wasted our time showing interest, I'm pretty much fed up of all this unorganized 'learning' and constantly complaining to the lecturers about it. For a lot of people that was £3 parking/bus fair and £2 fuel and in my case missing work that could have earned me some cha-ching - never mind, I think I will only go into uni now on a 'whatever' basis. what a waste of MY money and time.

However! on the bright side I managed to get back early and do some work, which means I have had time to do some texturing, building the rest of my goodies and almost finalizing my nano-fighter. I will provide only 2 renders of my current work so you can all see my progress, here you go.

'Remember to click on the images to get a nice big picture'

'A nice shiny Bog fit for the queen herself to take a dump in' - me thinks the stall walls need recolouring though and the loo is a bit small.

'Ooooh thats sexy, Germs beware!' - the almost complete but untextured Nano-fighter.

I am very impressed with the lighting features in the new 3D's max 2009 - I am also very pleased about the rendering times of my images (bathroom took about 20 seconds and the nano-fighter took about 6) my progress is only slowed by my slow demoralising crawl through this course, if only they could make it more interesting... prehaps a nice field day out for the Animation students or maybe just some form of inspirational action (hint,hint, nudge,nudge, wink,wink,) hell knows we need it.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Good 'old' Vista

Just an update on my progress so far:

hmmm... so far (and currently as I write this) I am reinstalling all my applications for Windows Visa because I had to completely reinstall it due to an update that disalowed my entire machine to funtion for 15 minutes every time I restarted it (pretty annoying). I spent about 3 days with the technical support team who eventually said 'sorry the only way to fix it is to upgrade windows' oh and by the way (my mobile phone company said) 'Here's a £15 bill for ya on top of that, the toll free number you dialled was charged at your normal rate without even you first hehehe, gotcha! $chaching$'

Fortunately though I'm not that angry, after emailing Microsoft and telling them I wasnt forking out £300 for the upgrade from windows premium edition to ultimate edition, that they owed me for the phone bill and the fact they couldnt fix the problem they very generously just gave me an entire retail version of the Windows Vista Ultimate edition (32 and 64 bit dvd's!!!) with a brand new serial code to boot free of charge, woohoo!

This has however put me behind schedule a bit on my projects so it's not that great.

If anyone needs a fully liscenced version of windows vista home premium (32 and 64 bit dvd's) drop me a line as I'm selling my old one.

Lets hope all goes well with this version and that I run into no more problems .

Oh yeah, its a bit random but I've had time to play with the cloth modifier whilst all my goodies where re-installing - check this baby out.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Simulated client:

So far so good, I am doing quite well with this project regards to time is involved. Basically I have all the basic models set down that are ready to be refined. I will put a few images below just to show some of my progress.

'I am quite happy about the new lighting features in 3Ds Max 2009'

Of course the Nano-fighter is not complete yet and neither is the bathroom - both have yet to be made from roughs to fully developed models then texturized, I am now in the process of creating wings for the 'plane' and eventually spruce it up a bit more as it will be the main highlight of the project. there are some examples below of the 'wings in the making' 

Thats all the updates for now as I am quite anxious to continue updating the models.