Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Here is a scene from Stargate Atlantis season 4 - episode 13 - you can find the link to the episode here - The time for the scene I am writing about is 6:50. - you may also find this link useful for looking up types of camera shots.
Scene starts with Commander Carter and
Radak in a lift (Low MCA shot), the only lighting is a rectangular shaped 'box' light found above and to the right of the characters, it provides comfortable and not very bright florescent lighting. the two are staring at a control panel found at the left of the screen,
Radak is directly in front of this panel and examining it closely.
Commander Carter:
Quarantine lock down.
looks worried
(sigh) Yes
Camera pans right as Commander Carter looks at another digital screen panel displaying a schematic of the city from 'birds eye view'
Commander Carter:
well I don't know why communications would be effected.
hesitates, raises eyebrows in a pose to explain
Well... Rodney did say he was going to modify some of the ancient protocols...
(Camera focuses on Commander carter CU shot)
...Must have made a mistake... made the security measures too aggressive?
(Birds eye view MS)
Commander Carter bends down and picks up a computer tablet,
Radak moves in place and looks worried.
Commander Carter:
I'm going to try access the Mainframe.
Yes but...
(MCU on Commander Carter)
...thats unfortunately all you will be able to do, this tablet has limited RAM and made mainly for read only field diagnostics
(Birds eye view MCU on computer Tablet) - the computer tablet displays a CU of a fine pigeon from a side view
Commander Carter:
Yes well at least we will be able to determine the extent of the lock down.
Yes... oh sorry (Radak takes the Tablet from Commander carter - MCU on commander charters face, she smiles and looks interested as Radak explaines) it's one of my pigeons (Radak straightens his glasses) I raise them as a hobby (commander carter Nods) back home.
Commander Carter:
Oh (smiles again)
Lets see what we have here
(Commander Carter leans toward Radak and looks down at the Tablet he is holding)
The reason I chose this scene was because of the fact it had a little hint about the character (Radak) who raised Pigeons back home (Earth), it is somehow interesting but irrelevantly, but also relevant at the same time (it shows some of his character but doesn't really have much point in the scene) I just thought it was clever how they slipped it in there and how much it actually says about the person -ie: he is caring, would probably be a good father, is more passive in nature than violent. and all that from one little five second scene involving a picture of a pigeon.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The next exercise that we had to do was to find a movie sort of similar to the one we where doing for MALac (In my case one involving a cult) - I asked around and discovered that there was one called Sunshine (which apparently had some sort of cult agenda to it) I also looked it up on http://www.imdb.com which gives ratings on movies (if I had to watch a movie it may as well be a good one) - the score they gave it was 7.3/10 which is not bad at all - I probably would have given it a 3/10 and still say it was probably a more waste of my time than watching paint dry. it has all the features of a mass produced quicky movie of today, lots of special effects and lots of death & murder (sorry for being so biased but I'm just fed up of watching different movies that are all the same, if that makes sense). The only cult part of the movie was a man (Capt. Pinbacker) who had been stranded on a previous 'save the sun' mission for 7 years and had gone crazy claiming that he had spoken to God and then killing everyone and trying to sabotage the mission which is to save earth by making a sun inside the sun and stop it from dying. somehow this character also gained super human strength despite the fact that he suffered 3rd degree burns to at least 90% of his body. all in all it was just a silly movie trying to be serious - if you get an opportunity to watch it I would probably advise against it but then again you might enjoy this type of movie (or probably not if you have read this as it is basically the whole story in a nutshell) - anyways lets get to the treatment of this movie.
50 years from now the Sun is dying, the reason is a highly stable form of matter has formed making nuclear fission impossible and the problem keeps on growing . the only way for humankind to survive is to attempt to send a special bomb into the heart of the sun and hope the explosion will destroy this substance and henceforth allow the sun to fussion normally once again.
A new crew had been sent to achieve this goal once again as the first mission was a failure, they consist out of a crew of 8. the main character is a genius by the name of Robert Capa who is vital to the destination of the bomb, he always seems to get into trouble with the his fellow cremate Mace. the Crew is subject to many challenges on the way to the sun, the main problem bieng the fact they manage to find the first mission ship by its distress beacon but do not calculate adjustment correctly of the shield blocking the sun from their ship after adjusting trajectory to meet up with this ship . Once they board this vessel they discover the previous crew had killed themselves, they only discover the captain remains alive after he has successfully sabotaged and their docking ring. afterwards there is much self sacrifice amongst the crew members whilst the madman is still loose sabotaging the ship. in the end though he is confronted by Robert and Cassie and is stunned whilst Robert sacrifices himself and initiates the device to explode in the sun and saved the world.
All in all a pretty lame story where everyone dies in the most horrible ways you can imagine with not much real reason for it. I honestly believe a 12 year old could write a better story.
The purpose of this exercise was to create a story from the script found below this post. this is the idea we (Gary Mulling and myself) came up with.
- We found that there was in fact 4 people in the scene and not 3 as most people perceived, HE, SHE, HERE and MAN... (very clever and cunning Joolz)
*Decide on the story (setting and circumstances) - we came up with 3, the 3rd being our final and 'best' story choice
1 - Comedy : About a guy tied to a chair, the MALac could be a health snack or a mega unhealthy food
2 - SCI FI : Aliens captured this fellow, trying to get information out of him. the MALac could be a torture or mind control device.
3 - Horror : Weird cult is trying to convert a priest (or someone important) by drinking some sort of sacrificial wine (might be blood) and looking for his college, the MALac is an unholy book or relic used to curse or taint a persons soul.
-The next part of the exercise was to take one (1) character and expand his/her character and life story. We chose SHE's character,
-SHE's Character - Very beautiful but evil inside and unafraid of committing bad deeds, she is also very dominating. She is the daughter of the high prophet/priest of this evil cult. She has very high hand-to-hand combat abilities and trains on weekends, she is physically fit, wears size 6 shes and wears sexy clothes (usually with high heals, red or black) when not in the cult (black robes and flat black shoes) she likes lipstick a lot too. she also wears comfortable sportswear from time to time with white sneakers. she tries to blend in as much as possibly outside to avoid suspicion. cool, calculating, sexy but very dangerous.
- Locations - Scene with man and MALac is in the cults HQ basement which is damp, dark with no electrical light fixtures - everything has to be lit by torch or lantern. Medieval passageways & rooms. there is a symbol painted on the wall (which you are meant to notice but not significantly as this helped the 'Main' of the story to find/uncover the cult.
(This is the script for a story called MALac writen by our lecturer Joolz and presented in a AV design lecture presented by Deborah Tuck, we where put in groups of two to create a story using this script as it could be anything - the fact the Malac is not a real item ie: it could be anything we desired, from a sandwich to a miniaturized jumbo jet in a briefcase) - let the madness begin.
Fade in from black: white text on black background:
Courage is the belief that there is
something more important than personal safety
Fade to black
HE is sweating. Hard.
SHE stands impassive. Unconcerned.
HE rubs his wrist and we see HE is chained to the chair.
(Bright. Breezy)
Are you sure you wouldn’t like a drink?
Never too late to change your mind.
I swear, I swear. Please. Stop. Please?
(placing a briefcase in front of the chair)
Shush. Be quite quiet. It will no longer be necessary to lie.
I swear…
Shush, shush.
(popping open the case)
I have here a malac. God it’s beautiful.
Could you hold him please?
MAN steps out of the shadows and forces HE’s hand horizontal.
Don’t. Don’t. I swear.
MALacs. Now no more shall we part on this path of truth we find ourselves on.
Playing with the MALac in the case, its metallic sheen plays on SHE’s face.
Pain, enlightening truth. This is what MALac brings.
Shall we continue?
SHE removes the MALac and shutting the case she steps forward.
HE screams.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Indeed I have not created an amazing masterpice over the holidays but instead decided to practice the things I felt needed improving ...a bit of drawing and Ik links in 3d max. I started off by thinking of an exercise to do, we had already done a two legged walk cycle so what better project to attempt than a 4 legged walk cycle
I started by sketching a simple character as can be seen here->
it was logical to attempt diffrent poses of this character which I did not pay too much attention to in detail (sketch wize, however the positions where well thought out) I simply modeled the same creature in 3d max(which can be seen above) and animated it as seen below (exported in PAL) setting, the first one is a front shot of the walk cycle and the second is more of a side shot. I figured out the proper way the character should move by getting on my hands and knees and figuring it out that way (it was just quicker than trying to find something on the internet). I also took this character and decided to practice my hand drawing by adding to this sketch and came up with a scary little bugger which you can see right at the bottom of this blog. I hope to create this character in the future when I learn more advance modeling techniques.
I showed my lecturers (David Downes and Joolz) the top two animations and they said it looked very unstable. upon further study I found that I had indeed made a mistake and this character was not able to logically stay up walking the way it did. I created another walk cycle though though. We all make mistakes and I have learned one (get someone else's opinion before posting stuff on your blog that is supposed to be a finished thing). anyways heres the rectified one :)