Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ik chain and movement test:

Indeed I have not created an amazing masterpice over the holidays but instead decided to practice the things I felt needed improving ...a bit of drawing and Ik links in 3d max. I started off by thinking of an exercise to do, we had already done a two legged walk cycle so what better project to attempt than a 4 legged walk cycle

I started by sketching a simple character as can be seen here->
it was logical to attempt diffrent poses of this character which I did not pay too much attention to in detail (sketch wize, however the positions where well thought out) I simply modeled the same creature in 3d max(which can be seen above) and animated it as seen below (exported in PAL) setting, the first one is a front shot of the walk cycle and the second is more of a side shot. I figured out the proper way the character should move by getting on my hands and knees and figuring it out that way (it was just quicker than trying to find something on the internet). I also took this character and decided to practice my hand drawing by adding to this sketch and came up with a scary little bugger which you can see right at the bottom of this blog. I hope to create this character in the future when I learn more advance modeling techniques.

I showed my lecturers (David Downes and Joolz) the top two animations and they said it looked very unstable. upon further study I found that I had indeed made a mistake and this character was not able to logically stay up walking the way it did. I created another walk cycle though though. We all make mistakes and I have learned one (get someone else's opinion before posting stuff on your blog that is supposed to be a finished thing). anyways heres the rectified one :)

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