Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Quick Scene Analysis:

Here is a scene from Stargate Atlantis season 4 - episode 13 - you can find the link to the episode here - The time for the scene I am writing about is 6:50. - you may also find this link useful for looking up types of camera shots.

Scene starts with Commander Carter and

Radak in a lift (Low MCA shot), the only lighting is a rectangular shaped 'box' light found above and to the right of the characters, it provides comfortable and not very bright florescent lighting. the two are staring at a control panel found at the left of the screen,
Radak is directly in front of this panel and examining it closely.

Commander Carter:

Quarantine lock down.

looks worried
(sigh) Yes

Camera pans right as Commander Carter looks at another digital screen panel displaying a schematic of the city from 'birds eye view'

Commander Carter:
well I don't know why communications would be effected.

hesitates, raises eyebrows in a pose to explain
Well... Rodney did say he was going to modify some of the ancient protocols...

(Camera focuses on Commander carter CU shot)

...Must have made a mistake... made the security measures too aggressive?

(Birds eye view MS)

Commander Carter bends down and picks up a computer tablet,

Radak moves in place and looks worried.

Commander Carter:

I'm going to try access the Mainframe.


Yes but...
(MCU on Commander Carter)
...thats unfortunately all you will be able to do, this tablet has limited RAM and made mainly for read only field diagnostics

(Birds eye view MCU on computer Tablet) - the computer tablet displays a CU of a fine pigeon from a side view

Commander Carter:

Yes well at least we will be able to determine the extent of the lock down.


Yes... oh sorry (Radak takes the Tablet from Commander carter - MCU on commander charters face, she smiles and looks interested as
Radak explaines) it's one of my pigeons (Radak straightens his glasses) I raise them as a hobby (commander carter Nods) back home.

Commander Carter:
Oh (smiles again)

Lets see what we have here

(Commander Carter leans toward
Radak and looks down at the Tablet he is holding)


The reason I chose this scene was because of the fact it had a little hint about the character (
Radak) who raised Pigeons back home (Earth), it is somehow interesting but irrelevantly, but also relevant at the same time (it shows some of his character but doesn't really have much point in the scene) I just thought it was clever how they slipped it in there and how much it actually says about the person -ie: he is caring, would probably be a good father, is more passive in nature than violent. and all that from one little five second scene involving a picture of a pigeon.

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