(This is the script for a story called MALac writen by our lecturer Joolz and presented in a AV design lecture presented by Deborah Tuck, we where put in groups of two to create a story using this script as it could be anything - the fact the Malac is not a real item ie: it could be anything we desired, from a sandwich to a miniaturized jumbo jet in a briefcase) - let the madness begin.
Fade in from black: white text on black background:
Courage is the belief that there is
something more important than personal safety
Fade to black
HE is sweating. Hard.
SHE stands impassive. Unconcerned.
HE rubs his wrist and we see HE is chained to the chair.
(Bright. Breezy)
Are you sure you wouldn’t like a drink?
Never too late to change your mind.
I swear, I swear. Please. Stop. Please?
(placing a briefcase in front of the chair)
Shush. Be quite quiet. It will no longer be necessary to lie.
I swear…
Shush, shush.
(popping open the case)
I have here a malac. God it’s beautiful.
Could you hold him please?
MAN steps out of the shadows and forces HE’s hand horizontal.
Don’t. Don’t. I swear.
MALacs. Now no more shall we part on this path of truth we find ourselves on.
Playing with the MALac in the case, its metallic sheen plays on SHE’s face.
Pain, enlightening truth. This is what MALac brings.
Shall we continue?
SHE removes the MALac and shutting the case she steps forward.
HE screams.
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